Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 5 A bit better

I woke up feeling pretty good today think I am getting my temporary routine down get up coffee patch first things lol.  I never smoked until after a cup or two of coffee not like Tim does or Bob did wake up and shove that puppy straight in the mouth. But I do admit after a few cups I miss my smokes though the morning cravings are not too bad.  It's the ones after a meal that really do me it.

I started with a total of 21 patches and I am not sure if I will use them all.  Seems to me after I first put this puppy on  it itches like crazy for a short time makes me want to jump up and go smoke...then after a while it simple settles down and I forget it is on. I didn't use one the second day think I kind of od on day 1 with the patch lozenges and ecig...good thing I was a heavy smoker lol!  Got a really sharp headache took the patch off and mellowed out on the nicotine crap til I felt better.Now it is the patch a few hits off the esmoke here and there plus lots of hall's cough drops with the vapor action or mentos gum--seems I need stuff that fillls my mouth/nose with a vapor type thing.  Probably because I was a menthol smoker--Rick has no such need. But then he chows down sunflower seeds like crazy personally I never could handle the shells yuk!

Rick is a dear old friend of mine I have known him and his sister since high school. Sadly she died a few years ago but Rick and I are close.  We fight like crazy at times and yet are fiercely loyal almost like brother/sister lol. We have gone back and forth for years about quitting for good,,,and this time we are doing it.  It is nice to have someone to call/text and bitch to or yell at for getting me into this mess!  I would still be happily..well..definitely smoking if he hadn't started this.  Since he is a truck driver on the road most of the time I can't kill him for getting me in this messs lol so maybe in a month or so I will buy him dinner at Joe's and say thank you...of course that will probably give him a heart attack!

My kids and I went shopping yesterday both grocery and Cosco.  It was so weird!  Instead of going outside to have a smoke I stayed with my kids and helped pack the groceries.  While walking back and forth to the car I could smell the smokers passing by! I never knew the smoke followed like that didnt believe it when my kids would complain I smelled like smoke when I got into the car after finishing one.They were right. I know there were times before where I hadn't had a cigarette for several hours and smelling one would light an instant craving in me.  It didn't this time!  One small victory!

I got a call from my doctor's office yesterday not so gently reminding me I was supposed to call and schedule an echocardiogram after I did all my bloodwork.  Well hey I did do the bloodwork they took out so much it was crazy!  I just forgot to call them that's all.  Besides they force me to go in every 3 months anyway to get refills. I would have gone in eventually!  Anyway now I get to go in and have that this morning what fun I have had a heart mummer since I was a kid which is why my ekg's are always off but still they have a need to check.  The bad thing about getting old is you always seem to have to go visit the doc and they are always pushing drugs on you or forcing you to get more tests! Ugh! Yep I am a druggie only my pusher is the doc and my supplier is Walmart pharmacy nowdays.It's the pits I absolutely hate seeing the doc!

Uh oh I want a smoke!  Guess it's time for a shower! Yep it helps too!

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