Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 10

I am kind of up in arms again!  Lawmakers are excitedly proposing another new $1 a pack tax hike on cigarettes this time to supposedly finance scholarships yea right. Just like all the other tax hikes are supposed to be used for certain things and wind up going into raises for ones who are already making good money not the grunts who really do the work.

And this tax hike is simply another way to punish poor addicted people gee for being poor and addicted.  All the dumb ass arguments like the price hikes keep teens from smoking re total bs.  Or the ones that are supposed to fund all sorts of quit smoking programs yea right! It is also funny when the tax programs do not pass it is all big tobacco's fault the greedy lawmakers never think that gee maybe it is enough for now? Maybe the poor working person is tired of being punished?

Ah hell glad I have quit. Lol and when their new tax does not provide as much revenue as they expect we will all hear all these endless complaints about internet sales or heck probably more on the e smokes and how heavy they should now be taxed.  Or wow even the quit smoking patches/lozenges/gum whatever. Some bright fool will add a hidden fee on all the helpful items designed to ease our discomfort just like they always do.  Just another way of ripping off poor hardworking people who are addicted and use cigs to cope.  Governments dont care if people smoke or not they just want a cash cow.  And right now smoking is the evil bad guy it used to be drinking. We are all going to die so that argument didnt work to well but most of us cant bear the idea of taking out others so that is where 2nd and 3rd hand smoke came from.

Seems to me we get spoon fed all sorts of lies and propaganda these days thru out news sources--how many times has total bs been touted as the truth? Even when later proven to be false the damage is done. We are all sheep follow the latest guidelines.  Crap that is so true look at all the horror stories nowdays about these awful school shootings. One insane individual causes a nightmare which in turns inspires another. Seems to go in waves.  Hell why dont we encourage smoking for them maybe it would give them an outlet so they dont feel the need to hurt our babies. Oh heck maybe they could calm down and if they still feel the need to hurt someone well they can practice on themselves.

Now I have gone off my smoking stuff into nightmares. I just get so tired of our children being hurt!! We cut school funding force kids to study mainly for standardized testing take away so much that engages kids like art, music programs. The children are what is important!! Not some old fart like me smoking. or trying to stop.

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